Early Bird Price (July 3rd to July 29th):

Low income: $75

High income: $250

Rwandan: $40

Student: $20

Standard Fees (July 30th to September 10th, 2024):

Low income: $100

High-income country: $300

Rwandan: $50

Student: $30

Payment Methods

Mobile Money: MOMO Pay: 052187

Bank of Kigali Ltd: Rwanda Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (RSOG). Account Number: 100088534748 RFW, Swift Code: BKIGRWRW

I&M Bank: Rwanda Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (RSOG), Account Number: 5042937004 USD, Swift Code: IMRWRWRW

Register Now

Or, you can send an email: info@rsog.org.rw