
Join RSOG to receive exclusive practice benefits, guidelines, educational opportunities at discounted rates, publications, and much more.

By Our Purpose. Connected by Our Community.

Your commitment powers the work we do. RSOG is here to support and advocate for you and your patients. Renew your membership today and stay connected.

Payment Methods

Mobile Money

MOMO Pay: 052187

Bank of Kigali Ltd

Account Name: Rwanda Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists "RSOG"

Account Number: 100088534748 RFW

Swift Code: BKIGRWRW

I&M Bank

Account Name: Rwanda Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists "RSOG"

Account Number: 5042937004 USD

Swift Code: IMRWRWRW

Membership Application

Membership fee: 60,000 RWF

By accepting, you are agreeing to RSOG’s rules and regulations.

Contact us: (+250) 790 396 136,