Rwanda Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (RSOG) Research Grant

Advancing research in obstetrics, gynecology, reproductive health, and maternal health to improve healthcare outcomes in Rwanda.

Grant Overview

The Rwanda Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (RSOG) is dedicated to advancing research in obstetrics, gynecology, reproductive health, and maternal health to improve healthcare outcomes in Rwanda. To support this mission, RSOG is offering research grants to individuals and institutions conducting impactful and innovative research in these areas.

Study Sites:
  • Ruhengeri Level II Teaching Hospital
  • Gisenyi District Hospital
  • Byumba Level II Teaching Hospital
  • Nyagatare District Hospital
  • Kirehe District Hospital
  • Rwamagana Level II Teaching Hospital
  • Kabgayi Level II Teaching Hospital
  • Kibogora Level II Teaching Hospital
  • Nyamata Level II Teaching Hospital
  • Kibagabaga Level II Teaching Hospital
Eligibility Criteria
Applicant Eligibility

Individuals or institutions applying for the RSOG research grant must meet the following eligibility criteria:

Professional Affiliation: The principal investigator (PI) must be an obstetrician & gynecologist or resident student in obstetrics and gynecology in the mentioned hospitals. Co-investigators must be affiliated with a recognized institution, such as a university, research institution, hospital, or NGO.

Project Eligibility

The proposed research project must meet the following criteria to be eligible for RSOG funding:

Research Focus:

The project must focus on one or more of the following areas:

  • Maternal health (e.g., maternal mortality, antenatal care, postnatal care)
  • Reproductive health (e.g., family planning, sexual and reproductive rights)
  • Obstetrics and gynecology (e.g., cervical cancer screening, prenatal care)
  • Health system strengthening related to maternal and reproductive health.
  • Medical education (residency program in Obstetrics and Gynecology).

Priority will be given to research that addresses critical health challenges in Rwanda, such as maternal mortality, access to reproductive health services, or the implementation of evidence-based medical practices.

Innovative and Impactful Research: Proposals should demonstrate innovation, offering new solutions, practices, or interventions for improving obstetric and gynecological care in Rwanda. Projects that have potential for significant public health impact and scalability within Rwanda’s healthcare system will be prioritized.

Relevance to National Health Priorities: The proposed research should align with the goals and priorities of Rwanda’s national health policies, particularly the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 3 (Good Health and Well-being), and national maternal health strategies.

Proposal Evaluation Criteria

Applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

Scientific Merit and Methodology

Research Question: The research question must be clear, well-defined, and relevant to the field of obstetrics and gynecology or reproductive health.

Study Design: The research proposal must outline a rigorous and appropriate study design, including a detailed methodology, data collection techniques, and analysis plan. The proposal should clearly indicate how the research will answer the stated research question and contribute to improving health outcomes.

Feasibility and Implementation

Project Feasibility: The proposed timeline and budget should be realistic, considering the scope of the project. Applicants must demonstrate their ability to complete the project within the proposed timeframe and with the available resources.

Capacity to Execute: The research team should have the necessary expertise and access to resources (e.g., facilities, data, personnel) to successfully execute the project.

Impact and Sustainability

Potential for Impact: The research should have a measurable impact on improving maternal and reproductive health outcomes in Rwanda and the residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology training program. Proposals that offer scalable solutions for healthcare challenges and have the potential to influence policy or clinical practice will be given preference.

Sustainability: The project should have long-term benefits beyond the grant period. Applicants should indicate how the research findings will be applied in Rwanda’s healthcare system or how the results can inform future projects and policies.

Budget and Resource Management

Budget Justification: The proposed budget must be reasonable and align with the scope of the project. Applicants should provide a detailed breakdown of costs, including personnel, equipment, travel, and other research-related expenses.

Use of Funds: Grant funds must be used exclusively for research-related activities and expenses outlined in the budget. Overhead costs should be kept to a minimum.

Application Requirements

To apply for the RSOG Research Grant, the following documents must be submitted:

  • Research Proposal: A detailed proposal (no more than 20 pages) including:
    • Background and rationale
    • Research question(s) and objectives
    • Study design and methodology
    • Timeline and work plan
    • Expected outcomes and potential impact
    • Budget and justification
    • Data collection tools
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV): For the principal investigator and key team members, highlighting relevant academic and professional experience.
  • Ethics Approval: If applicable, a statement on the current status of ethical approval or plans to secure it. For research involving human subjects, applicants must secure ethical approval from an appropriate institutional review board (IRB) or ethics committee in Rwanda before the commencement of the research. Proof of ethical approval will be required before all funds are disbursed.
Reporting Requirements

Grantees will be required to submit periodic progress reports during the grant period and a final report at the conclusion of the project. These reports should include:

Progress Report:
  • A summary of progress made toward research objectives
  • Challenges encountered and solutions implemented
  • Updated timeline and expected completion date
Final Report:
  • A comprehensive report including research findings, conclusions, and potential recommendations for further research or implementation.
  • Financial report detailing how grant funds were used.
  • Publication of manuscript in PubMed
Grant Timeline
  • Application Deadline: Open submission
  • Review Period: Applications will be reviewed within 1-2 months after the submission.
  • Notification of Award: Applicants will be notified of the funding decision within 2 months.
  • Grant Duration: The research project should be completed within 12 months from the award date.